![Silent Dragon (World)](../snapsmall/MS_3707.html) | Silent Dragon (World) | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | silentd | Fighter / 2.5D | 6.67 |
![Skins Game (Nintendo Super System)](../snapsmall/MS_3874.html) | Skins Game (Nintendo Super System) | 1992 | Irem | nss_skin | Sports / Golf | 0.00 |
![Sky Alert](../snapsmall/MS_3695.html) | Sky Alert | 1992 | Metro | skyalert | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 0.00 |
| Soldam | 1992 | Jaleco | soldam | | 8.00 |
![Soldam (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_3920.html) | Soldam (Japan) (clone of: soldam) | 1992 | Jaleco | soldamj | Puzzle / Drop | 0.00 |
![Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Mega-Tech)](../snapsmall/MS_3922.html) | Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Mega-Tech) | 1992 | Sega | mt_soni2 | Unplayable | 8.62 |
![Sonic Wings (Japan)](../snapsmall/MS_2050.jpg) | Sonic Wings (Japan) (clone of: aerofgt) | 1992 | Video System Co. | sonicwi | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 0.00 |
![Space Lords (rev A)](../snapsmall/MS_1101.html) | Space Lords (rev A) (clone of: spclords) | 1992 | Atari Games | spclordsa | | 0.00 |
![Space Lords (rev A, German)](../snapsmall/MS_1101.html) | Space Lords (rev A, German) (clone of: spclords) | 1992 | Atari Games | spclordsg | | 0.00 |
![Space Lords (rev B)](../snapsmall/MS_1101.html) | Space Lords (rev B) (clone of: spclords) | 1992 | Atari Games | spclordsb | | 0.00 |
![Space Lords (rev C)](../snapsmall/MS_1101.html) | Space Lords (rev C) | 1992 | Atari Games | spclords | Shooter / Flying 1st Person | 6.64 |
| Space Pirates v2.2 | 1992 | American Laser Games | spacepir | | 0.00 |
![Sparkz (prototype)](../snapsmall/MS_3699.html) | Sparkz (prototype) | 1992 | Atari Games | sparkz | Puzzle / Drop | 3.25 |
![Splash! (Ver. 1.0 World)](../snapsmall/MS_3096.html) | Splash! (Ver. 1.0 World) (clone of: splash) | 1992 | Gaelco | splash10 | | 0.00 |
![Splash! (Ver. 1.2 World)](../snapsmall/MS_3096.html) | Splash! (Ver. 1.2 World) | 1992 | Gaelco | splash | Misc. *Mature* | 6.57 |
| Sports Authority | 1992 | Classic Games | sprtauth | | 0.00 |
![Squash (Ver. 1.0)](../snapsmall/MS_3724.html) | Squash (Ver. 1.0) | 1992 | Gaelco | squash | Unplayable | 1.75 |
![Stadium Cross (US)](../snapsmall/MS_3730.html) | Stadium Cross (US) (clone of: scross) | 1992 | Sega | scrossu | | 0.00 |
![Stadium Cross (World)](../snapsmall/MS_3730.html) | Stadium Cross (World) | 1992 | Sega | scross | Driving / Race (chase view) Bike | 5.00 |
| Star Trek 25th Anniversary (1.10 Alpha Display) (clone of: trek_201) | 1992 | Data East | trek_11a | | 0.00 |