| Laser Base (set 1) | 1981 | Hoei (Amstar license) | laserbas | Unplayable | 5.50 |
| Laser Base (set 2) (clone of: laserbas) | 1981 | Hoei (Amstar license) | laserbasa | | 0.00 |
| Laser Battle | 1981 | Zaccaria | laserbat | | 5.50 |
| Lazarian (clone of: laserbat) | 1981 | Zaccaria (Bally Midway license) | lazarian | | 0.00 |
| Lightning | 1981 | Stern | lightnin | | 0.00 |
![Lock](../snapsmall/MS_4665.html) | Lock'n'Chase | 1981 | Data East Corporation | lnc | Maze | 6.25 |
![Lock](../snapsmall/MS_4663.html) | Lock'n'Chase (DECO Cassette) | 1981 | Data East Corporation | clocknch | Maze | 0.00 |
| Locomotion | 1981 | Zaccaria | locomotp | | 0.00 |
![Lucky Poker (DECO Cassette)](../snapsmall/MS_4662.jpg) | Lucky Poker (DECO Cassette) | 1981 | Data East Corporation | cluckypo | Casino | 0.00 |
![Magic Brush (bootleg of Crush Roller)](../snapsmall/MS_963.html) | Magic Brush (bootleg of Crush Roller) (clone of: crush) | 1981 | bootleg | mbrush | Maze | 0.00 |
![Make Trax (US set 1)](../snapsmall/MS_963.html) | Make Trax (US set 1) (clone of: crush) | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural (Williams license) | maketrax | Maze | 0.00 |
![Make Trax (US set 2)](../snapsmall/MS_963.html) | Make Trax (US set 2) (clone of: crush) | 1981 | Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural (Williams license) | maketrxb | Maze | 0.00 |
![Marine Date](../snapsmall/MS_4658.html) | Marine Date | 1981 | Taito | marinedt | Maze | 5.75 |
![Mariner](../snapsmall/MS_4173.jpg) | Mariner | 1981 | Amenip | mariner | Shooter / Misc. Horizontal | 5.75 |
![Mars](../snapsmall/MS_898.html) | Mars | 1981 | Artic | mars | Shooter / Flying Horizontal | 6.67 |
| Mars - God of War | 1981 | Gottlieb | marsp | | 0.00 |
| Maze Invaders (prototype) | 1981 | Atari | mazeinv | | 8.77 |
| Medusa | 1981 | Bally | medusa | | 0.00 |
![Meteoroids](../snapsmall/MS_1493.html) | Meteoroids (clone of: spcforce) | 1981 | Venture Line | meteor | Shooter / Field | 0.00 |
![Monkey Donkey](../snapsmall/MS_1110.jpg) | Monkey Donkey (clone of: ckong) | 1981 | bootleg | monkeyd | Platform / Run Jump | 0.00 |